Post by MoussaPost by ex-ibm-mca-userThis your ever-final text
is called signature
Yes, be it a sig., but anyway it's thy ever-final text.
Post by Moussayou may want to learn
I very mostly want to learn......
Post by Moussasome net etiquettes
Post by Moussawhile you at it.
--> while you are at it. !!
Post by MoussaPost by ex-ibm-mca-userto be your filosofical heritage, so to speak.
you're trolling
I don't know "trolling" means.
Post by Moussagrind that axe of yours sharp...
This thy terminology is despicable: It shows (proves?) that thou art
Post by Moussano just me, after filling my room with worthless gas i tend to reach the
helm of my mantra climax and words just flow away in a world seems to be
less round everyday *earth*, but why you give the crap anyway? is a
All in all: This thy text isn't understandable to me. Who is unable?!?
Thou or i?!? Hmmm?.....
Post by Moussathe helm of my mantra climax [?!!?]
words just flow away in a world seems to be less round everyday *earth*
--> world "that seems" or "seeming"!!!
Werest thou on cannabis when texting the above quoted?
This appears to be a much relevant question.....
The core, yea nuke of my text was:
Thy huge fault was: n o t to respond to my questions repeated
Post by MoussaPost by ex-ibm-mca-user{--> People with similar circumstances tend to !!}
But can we i n d e e d find like-minded beings "across space" (!) and
"no matter distance" {--> n. m. of d.}, e.g. on planets in our
galaxy---or even in a neighbouring one??!!?? Hmmm??..... I'm caught in
extreme doubt.....}
Thou hast written, i might learn, and as well thou shouldst be willing
Thou hast to comprehend what the C O R E of a message is PLUS to
afterwards respond to it!!!
Learn this and do not dodge this important hint!!!
Post by Moussayou have left the most important bit out "giving enough time in life"
--> given enough time .. ?!? This bit thou hast not included in thy
then message! Therefore it's too late now to introduce it as an
Post by Moussatime = space <-- is basic physics
"basic physics"?? No, such is not taught in schools, neither in
high-schools etc.....
Such stuff (time=space) is basically incomprehensible!!! ---> Why can we
move within space (limited), but N O T within time??!!!?? Haaaa???
Answer he to this my 'drilling' question thoroughly!!!
Thy huge fault was/is: Thou wantest n o t to respond to the aspects
which i had layed out in my initial message!!!....... This is very
'ungood'!, as it were.
Post by MoussaPost by ex-ibm-mca-userDo Not [....] Use without my Permission
No, i won't!, namely because of my above-submitted question.
no one stepped on your tail ....
That's true because my tail forever had been m u c h too short. That
much honesty gotta be.
Post by MoussaPost by ex-ibm-mca-userOne should always rethink one's thought-patterns.
and the point is ?
That thou shouldest massively begin rethinking (plus later discarding)
this thy pattern:
"People alike with a similar circumstances, tend to find each others
across space [.....] no matter distance"
The space, the volume of the universe is thus gigantic that NO living
being could EVER (!!!) be able to reach out just a bit into
it---whatever the purpose may be......
T h e r e f o r e like-minded beings will N E V E R be able to find
one another "across space" and "no matter distance"!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this explained clearly enough???